black in every color + the mission

I wanted to share our intentions with you, our community, who have shown unreal support for our exhibitions.

Our core mission with black in every color. is to provide a platform that amplifies the voices of Black artists and assists them in navigating the often challenging terrain of the fine art space. We firmly believe that our representation is vital for a thriving art community and for driving cultural change. By creating opportunities and fostering connections, we aim to facilitate the growth and success of Black artists, ensuring their impactful contributions reach broader audiences.

Additionally, our commitment extends beyond individual artists. We recognize the importance of providing valuable resources that benefit entire artist communities. Through future educational initiatives, workshops, mentorship programs, and collaborative projects, we strive to equip artists with the tools, knowledge, and support they need to flourish. By investing in artists, we aim to strengthen and uplift their communities, creating a positive ripple effect that transcends individual artistry.

At the heart of our initiative lies a deep-rooted desire to have a greater influence and impact on modern culture through fine art. We firmly believe that art has the power to shape conversations, challenge perspectives, and inspire change. By curating thought-provoking exhibitions, showcasing dynamic artworks, and facilitating dialogues around Black American culture, we seek to spark meaningful discussions, foster understanding, and contribute to the cultural fabric of society.

One of our primary objectives is to shine a spotlight on emerging artists who are making a profound cultural impact. By highlighting their talent and showcasing their works, we aim to provide a platform for recognition, opening doors to new opportunities and collaborations. We are dedicated to nurturing their artistic journeys and celebrating their contributions to the ever-evolving landscape of contemporary art.

Furthermore, as the arts agency behind black in every color., Valence Projects takes pride in actively seeking value-aligned brands, artists, and projects to collaborate with. We believe in the transformative power of art and its ability to make a positive impact on communities. By forging partnerships with like-minded individuals and organizations, we aim to create meaningful collaborations that go beyond the realm of art. Together, we can amplify our collective efforts to foster social change, support community development, and uplift underrepresented voices. At Valence Projects, we are dedicated to curating experiences and initiatives that not only celebrate artistic excellence but also contribute to the betterment of society as a whole.

As we embark on this art initiative, we invite you to join us in our mission to empower Black artists, provide valuable resources, influence modern culture, and highlight emerging talents. Your continued support and engagement are invaluable in shaping a more inclusive and vibrant art world.

Stay tuned for updates, artist highlights, exhibitions, and events related to Valence Projects and black in every color. Together, we can create a transformative space where art thrives, artists flourish, and the power of representation shines brightly.

All love,

Josiah David Jones


Navigating Identity: The Artistic Journey of Arnaya Needleman